Tuesday, September 17, 2024
A record number of special mentions for Innov'Space 2024!
Agro-suppliesAnimal feedAquaculturePoultryCattleFarm buildingsRabbitsEnergy / EnvironmentHorsesUnionsInsectsMachinery / EquipmentSheep / GoatsPigsAnimal healthServices / PressTransformation / Process

No fewer than 48 winners were honoured at the Innov'Space awards cermony, testifying to the dynamism of the livestock farming world in terms of novelty and innovation.
During the awards ceremony, the veil was lifted on the special mentions. These are awarded by the panel of judges to innovations that merit particular distinction because of their high degree of ingenuity or innovation. This year, 8 winners will be able to proudly display the ‘3 stars’ trophy on their booth. A record since the award was created!
You can discover all the award-winning innovations on the winning booths throughout the Show!