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AGRETIC companies pitch

ConferenceServices / Press

2024-09-18 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Room i - Administration Area


*ENERPRO: Ener'Step, the positive-energy effluent treatment solution

*ZENI: An innovative, circular solution for purifying water by producing
 microalgae (winner of the 1-star Innov'Space 2024 award)

*PREVI'LINK: A decision-making tool for agricultural emergency services (Innov'Space 2024 1-star prizewinner)

*KEMEVA Conseil : GIICA STRATEGIE - Manage the sale of your raw materials (winner of the 1-star Innov'Space 2024 award)

*FASTNAET : EcoWash - Water redefines washing

*ENTREPRISE LE LOUARNE: Digital Breeding Notebook (DBN) - Digital breeding notebook specifically for veal calves

*CHAMBRE D'AGRICULTURE DE BRETAGNE: AgrivisioN'air - A decision-making tool to help you make better use of livestock effluents (2-star Innov'Space 2023 award)

*CGI - Resilience to climate change using AI on satellite images

*CEA BRETAGNE: AiHerd - AI for the automatic detection of pathologies in cattle

*ADVENTIEL: EARWISE (Equipment & Animal Recognition With Intelligent Sound Evaluation)

Contact: - 07 68 20 89 52
