Espace for the Future

Providing insight into animal farming of the future
Espace pour Demain

Empowering generations: let's invent the future!

The Espace for the Future will once again be a very helpful and inspiring area for SPACE visitors. Issues addressed will include income, working conditions and working hours, organisational models, delegation, production systems and key skills. The theme of Espace for the Future this year is: Empowering Generations: Let's invent the Future.

Here, in Hall 3, specialists from the Chambers of Agriculture will be hosting round tables and expert meetings to present technical solutions, share best practices and offer a vision of the future for livestock farmers and their employees.

A Changing Landscape in the Agricultural Workforce

Since 2010, the percentage of salaried agricultural workers has risen from 31% to 49% of the  agricultural workforce. This trend stems from the development of larger farms through mergers and acquisitions, but also from the decline in family labour (parents step back when they retire, or spouses work outside the farm).

Aspiring to the same societal expectations as other professions, farm owners have moved from traditional farm management (with available family labour) to multimodal workload management.

At the Espace for the Future, our experts will be answering a wide range of questions:
  • How can you increase your farm's appeal for sale, minimise labour-intensive tasks and attract and retain employees?
  • Manage business initiatives: farm purchases, cluster farming, change of system, new activity (diversification) 
  • Free up time by delegating, outsourcing or hiring replacements

All these changes raise questions about the meaning of our farming profession and our work, as well  as about intergenerational understanding and collaboration among associates.

Solutions for managing this new phase in farming!

The Forum Area
The "Forum" area will host a daily conference-debate at 10:30 am. Three themes have been chosen for 2024: 
  • Attracting, transmitting skills and retaining employees: the keys to success?
  • Understanding each other across generations
  • Your Project, Your Journey!
The Exhibition Area
Technical events will be held throughout the three days of SPACE. They will feature first-hand accounts from farmers and presentations of innovative equipment in the "Exhibition" area.
The Resources area
The "Resources" area: increasing the appeal of the profession, improving organisational methods and enhancing working conditions have been the subject of numerous studies. Tools such as  selfdiagnostics, references and working time calculators, technical data sheets and Tips & Tricks guides will be made available here.
The expert area
An "Experts" area: as in 2023, the floor will be given to experts to complement the presentations by Chamber of Agriculture engineers. Each expert will give a 10-minute technical presentation followed by 15 to 20 minutes of discussion among participants. This simple, effective format was a big hit with visitors, who turned out in force to attend. There will be more workshops this year to cope with  demand. 

Every day at 3:00 pm, an event focusing on "Buying or Selling a Farm" will be held, geared  toward people interested in buying or selling a farm!
The Espace for the Future is located in Hall 3. 
It is designed and run by SPACE and the Brittany Chamber of Agriculture, with the support of various technical partners (technical institutes, GIE Elevages de Bretagne, CilOuest, MSA, BDI, Agretic, etc.).
Espace pour Demain

Main theme of SPACE 2023

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