GEA Concentrates

GEA Concentrates

BovineProcessDisinfectants and cleaning agentsSheep / Goats
1 star Innov'Space award-winner

Mixing system for GEA concentrates

Dairy herds are getting bigger. At the same time, the consumption of teat dips is also increasing, mostly in the form of ready-to-use (RTU) products. These products have to be ordered, large storage areas for many canisters have to be provided and stock levels have to be managed. Added to this is the proper disposal of the empty canisters.
This is where GEA Concentrates offer the dairy farmer tangible benefits: they contain the same active ingredients as the RTU products, but far less water. A small but decisive difference that helps the farmer to make a milk production more economical and sustainable: mix teat dips directly on farm, mix the dips the farmer currently need, minimize mastitis cases even more effectively, optimize milk production at the same time, significantly reduce teat dip costs, reduce arduousness and risks of pain by eliminating carrying heavy loads, fewer canisters: more space, less time and effort required, less transportation volume reduces CO2 emissions.
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Hall 11 - Booth A24