

BovineEnergy / EnvironmentManureStockingEnergy productionBiogasMachinery / Equipment
1 star Innov'Space award-winner

Modular cover to capture fugitive methane and processing into Bio-CNG

New Holland and Bennamann have developed a modular, highly performant and financially sustainable solution to produce and use at farm level compressed biomethane (Bio-CNG). Fugitive methane is the main product impacting the carbon footprint of dairy and pork production.
The innovation includes a covering system aimed to existing slurry lagoons and based on standardized modules assembled via gas-proof zips and associated to a peripherical custom-made skirt to provide a full gas sealing around and above the lagoon.
Fugitive methane naturally produced by the stored slurry is the collected, led to filtration and storage components and finally upgraded into biomethane by a mobile module shared within a group of several farmers. The Bio-GNC resulting from this process can be used on site either to fuel a tractor (New Holland T6.180 methane Power) or generate electricity (CNG Genset). Carbon footprint is significantly improved while energy bills can be reduced.

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Air Libre - C31