PoultryTransformation / ProcessProduct processingEggs
1 star Innov'Space Award-Winner

Automation of egg collection with exploitation of the collected data

With Meggsius Family products, we focus on intelligent technology to meet the new challenges of precision poultry farming. Aware of the strong need for labor required for egg collection, and keen to highlight all the data that can be collected on an egg, we have developed the Meggsius range (My EGGS GenIUS ) to help the breeder improve his performance and working conditions.
The user spends less time packaging their eggs: they no longer have to sort eggs (Meggsius Select) and devote themselves entirely to managing their animals. Sorting is regular throughout the duration of the flock and helps increase the quality of the eggs. The time saving due to the automatic advancement of the egg belts and conveyors (Meggsius Count&Control) makes it possible to reduce the need for labor in the collection room by 25%.
All the data collected helps the breeder in his animal management. With the Meggsius Family, the breeder moves from a reactive approach to a proactive, even predictive approach.
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Hall 10 - Booth B33