Photobioreactor ZENI

Photobioreactor ZENI

Energy / EnvironmentManureTreatmentWaterTreatmentPigsBovine
1 star Innov'Space award-winner

Natural and circular solution to treat industrial waters saturated in nitrates

ZENI is an industrial engineering company offering a sustainable, nature-based solution for treating industrial wastewater with microalgae (accelerated phyto remediation). We mainly treat effluent rich in nitrates and phosphates from livestock farming, the food industry and aquaculture. Our process, carried out in tanks called "photobioreactors", makes it possible to reuse treated water and produce reusable algal biomass. These revalorizations as biobased fertilizers or animal feeds enable industrialists or farmers to obtain rapid ROIs via an annuity on the resale of these co-products. To fully de-risk our projects, we proceed in stages, from our R&D center where we identify the "right microalgae", to the change of scale at the farmer's or industrial site, treating from 1 m3/day up to 100 m3/d of effluent.
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Hall 3 - Booth B06