AMS liners

AMS liners

BovineProcessMilking equipment
The ULTRALINER AMS TLC-01 (triangular) and the ULTRALINER AMS RLC-01 (round) are high flow milking liners, designed to optimise the milking performance of your robot.

  • Significantly improved adhesion, due to enhanced liner design.
  • Reduced attachment time.
  • Reduced respray and cross-contamination.
  • Faster and more complete milking.

Both triangular and round versions benefit from the hood vented technology which will give you:
  • Reduced mouthpiece vacuum which results in much reduced teat congestion.
  • No milk respray, teats stay dry during milking.
  • No cross-contamination.
  • Reduced milk turbulence preserving milk quality.
  • Less noise during milking which provides a quieter environment for the cows.

Both new liners can be vented or non vented and are available exclusively through our RPS (Robot Performance Service).
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