Brittany, land of farming

A strategic position in the heart of a large livestock farming region
Brittany is an ultimate farming land.

It is one of the leading agricultural regions in France and the leading agri-food regions in Europe.
Breton farmers feed the equivalent of one in three French people. More than 60 % of the regional territory is devoted to agriculture.

In Western France

Exploitations agricoles
79,266 farms
60% of French broiler meat is produced in the Grand-Ouest region of France
75% of French pork was produced in the Grand-Ouest region of France
Production laitière
53% of French milk (cow, goat, sheep) is produced in the Grand-Ouest region
Production bovine
44% of national beef production is slaughtered in the Grand-Ouest region

Farming in France

Exploitations agricoles
1st in the EU in terms of number of bovines
17 million head of cattle
including 3.2 million dairy cows
3rd largest pig producer in the European Union
Exploitations agricoles
NO. 1 European producer of table eggs
4th largest producer of broiler in the EU
3rd aquaculture producer in the EU
At SPACE in Rennes, in the heart of France's leading livestock region, we envision, innovate and shape the future of the animal farming sector. And at SPACE, we are also eager to demonstrate the enthusiasm and passion that we bring to our roles as animal farmers.
Marcel Denieul
Marcel Denieul SPACE Chairman